The thoughts of the creation of another Rotary Club in Brampton began to appear in early 1973. It was becoming increasingly apparent in membership drives that there was a substantial number of people who either lived or worked in Brampton who would be interested in joining Rotary but could not attend a lunch-time meeting. The thought, then, was to consider the practicality of a new Club to meet in the evening. After some research, I, with some support from other members of the Brampton Club, made a presentation to the directors of our parent Club as to the feasibility of a new evening Club. As with all new endeavors, there was substantial opposition to the proposal. There followed a number of meetings, both by the directors and the Club as a whole, and, after some considerable debate, the time came for the question to be put. The motion to charter a new Brampton evening Club carried with the required two-thirds majority vote. Then the real work began of assembling all the material required by Rotary International in the formation of a new Club - a truly horrendous task; however, after what appeared to be nearly daily communication with Evanston we heard in July 1974 that everything was in order and that we were now officially created -- The Rotary Club Of Brampton South. .The directors, in their first official meeting, decided that the club would start immediately to meet regularly on Monday nights but, in view of starting in the summer month, it was felt that the actual Charter Night be delayed until September 28, 1974, and to take place in Century Gardens Auditorium. September 28th proved to be a most successful night, with Rotarians attending from all parts of the district.
Charter and Founder Club President of The Rotary Club Of Brampton South: Joe Morgan (Late)